Monday, February 14, 2011


5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
  •  Having a crush on the girl across the street.
  • Living in Provo Utah in a 3 bedroom house.
  • Getting a cool buzz light year doll!
  • learning to run fast.
  • getting my bull cut every other Monday from my dad.

5 things I was doing 5 years ago:

  • Having a crush on Shelby Gundarson
  • Going to 8th grade
  • In the advanced Jazz band
  • Growing my hair longer then one centimeter. 
  • Meeting people like Karson... Good thing?

5 things I was doing 1 year ago:
  • Trying to focus more on school.
  • Wearing a fuzzy shirt so girls would feel it. ( ;
  • Hugging girls more often. 
  • Mowing lawns with Karson.
  • Getting mad at my parents a lot!

5 things I was doing yesterday:
  • Waking up at ten.
  •  Taking a shower
  • Transferring all my posters from my wall to my ceiling.
  • Talking and praying about my foot surgery.
  • Writing a new song on the piano.

5 snacks/treats I enjoy:
Rold Gold pretzels
• Mint brownies
• Chips and salsa
• Cookies
• Veggies and dip

5 songs I know all the words to:
  • Marry had a little lamb
  • Humpty Dumpty 
  • That one song I wrote last week
  • Spiderman theme song
  • Any Michel Jackson song.

5 things I would do with $100 million:
  • Pay off all my debt
  • pay to go to film school
  • buy a DSRL and a zoom lens
  • give 1 million to each person in my family 
  • Give the rest to charity.  

5 locations I would like to escape to:
  • George Lucusas basement.
  • James Camerons Basement.
  • J.J Abrams living room.
  • Steven speilbirgs attic.
  • Karson's hammock.

5 bad habits I have:
  • I enjoy staying up late
  • Drawing pictures in health for Ms.L.S
  • Making fun of fat kids
  • taking to much time on one thing
  • yelling at my ugly step sister.

 5 things I like to do:
  •  Every in the bad habits box...

5 TV shows I like:
  •  Aurther
  • Word Girl
  • The office
  • Simpsons
  • Obama... stuff...?  

 5 biggest joys at the moment:
  • My friends 
  • English class
  • Going home from school in 6 hours 
  • showing our pictures to Ms. L.S
  • Going to film school in 4 years

I’m happiest when...I Finnish a film project
Someday I’m going to ...-------------------- be famous
When I’m really down.. --------------------I play the piano
what I want to do is...------------------------Cinematography
 I feel anxious when...-------------------------- --giggle giggle
I like people who... ----------------------------giggle giggle
All it takes to make me happy is...-------------a fat boy with no teeth
 What I really want to do is ...-------------------Cinematography
I wish that...---------------------------------------------- I was taller
 I don’t like when people are ...-------------------stuck up
A person really should .  ---------------------- --------take a shower
I just hate it that ............ ----------------------------My sister
I just love it that...-------------------------------------My camera

                                                           The end

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My family

My family is like a Forrest

My dad is the rock that slowly deteriorates as it rolls away. 

My mother is the wind that blows through the leaves and makes you scarred at night. 

My Brother Andrew is the branches bunching together above your head always making you look up to wonder.... Why?  

My Sister Natalie is the lost bear looking for is mother.

I am like the little puppy you find wondering the path and want to take home.

My little sister Nikki is the frog your girlfriend sees and holds your hand lighter cause she is scarred it will touch her.

And my little sister Abbie is the tree stump you just look at for hours because it is an amazing God made creation....
