Monday, February 14, 2011


5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
  •  Having a crush on the girl across the street.
  • Living in Provo Utah in a 3 bedroom house.
  • Getting a cool buzz light year doll!
  • learning to run fast.
  • getting my bull cut every other Monday from my dad.

5 things I was doing 5 years ago:

  • Having a crush on Shelby Gundarson
  • Going to 8th grade
  • In the advanced Jazz band
  • Growing my hair longer then one centimeter. 
  • Meeting people like Karson... Good thing?

5 things I was doing 1 year ago:
  • Trying to focus more on school.
  • Wearing a fuzzy shirt so girls would feel it. ( ;
  • Hugging girls more often. 
  • Mowing lawns with Karson.
  • Getting mad at my parents a lot!

5 things I was doing yesterday:
  • Waking up at ten.
  •  Taking a shower
  • Transferring all my posters from my wall to my ceiling.
  • Talking and praying about my foot surgery.
  • Writing a new song on the piano.

5 snacks/treats I enjoy:
Rold Gold pretzels
• Mint brownies
• Chips and salsa
• Cookies
• Veggies and dip

5 songs I know all the words to:
  • Marry had a little lamb
  • Humpty Dumpty 
  • That one song I wrote last week
  • Spiderman theme song
  • Any Michel Jackson song.

5 things I would do with $100 million:
  • Pay off all my debt
  • pay to go to film school
  • buy a DSRL and a zoom lens
  • give 1 million to each person in my family 
  • Give the rest to charity.  

5 locations I would like to escape to:
  • George Lucusas basement.
  • James Camerons Basement.
  • J.J Abrams living room.
  • Steven speilbirgs attic.
  • Karson's hammock.

5 bad habits I have:
  • I enjoy staying up late
  • Drawing pictures in health for Ms.L.S
  • Making fun of fat kids
  • taking to much time on one thing
  • yelling at my ugly step sister.

 5 things I like to do:
  •  Every in the bad habits box...

5 TV shows I like:
  •  Aurther
  • Word Girl
  • The office
  • Simpsons
  • Obama... stuff...?  

 5 biggest joys at the moment:
  • My friends 
  • English class
  • Going home from school in 6 hours 
  • showing our pictures to Ms. L.S
  • Going to film school in 4 years

I’m happiest when...I Finnish a film project
Someday I’m going to ...-------------------- be famous
When I’m really down.. --------------------I play the piano
what I want to do is...------------------------Cinematography
 I feel anxious when...-------------------------- --giggle giggle
I like people who... ----------------------------giggle giggle
All it takes to make me happy is...-------------a fat boy with no teeth
 What I really want to do is ...-------------------Cinematography
I wish that...---------------------------------------------- I was taller
 I don’t like when people are ...-------------------stuck up
A person really should .  ---------------------- --------take a shower
I just hate it that ............ ----------------------------My sister
I just love it that...-------------------------------------My camera

                                                           The end

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