Monday, November 8, 2010

Sin=Bad Person? NO!

Ask yourself, 'Have I ever sinned before?'  The answer is yes if you like it of not!  Sinning does not make you a bad person.  Some people would say yes it does, but if they took the time to think about it , then they might just change their minds.  For one, everyone sins and how could every single person in the world be bad just for sinning, some mistakes could be bigger then other mistakes, and not everyone sins on purpose.

Not one human can go one day with out committing one sin.  It is impossible to be perfect.  When a person sins they are making a mistake that people or themselves may not like.  Even breaking simple laws is a sin.  The idea of a perfect world is not reasonable and can never happen.  If sinning made you a bad person then wouldn't that make us all terrible people?  When people think that someone who was sinned is a bad person they have not yet thought about their own lives and all the mistakes they have made. 

Some mistakes are much bigger and more catastrophic then others.  This being the case can make people think that a person that sins is a bad person.  Such as if a person were to commit murder or serious crime, an individual hearing about it would come to think that the criminal is a bad person all around.  This is a bad thing to assume given the individual spectating does not know or have any understanding of the criminal's circumstances!  The complete opposite thing could happen if the sin committed was a rather small not so intimate sin.  Say you hear about someone getting arrested or in trouble for using up all the hot bath water.  You might say, well that's not reasonable for something so simple to make you get in trouble or arrested!  But you were willing to make conclusions about someone being a bad person even though you don't know them just for the "size" of sin.  If you are now thinking that the size of sin determines weather you are good or bad then you tell me!  Where is the line?

Some sins are not on purpose.  There are many times when someone may do wrong to someone and not even know that they have done anything.  It doesn't even need to be a sin you committed toward someone, it could be switching the channel and seeing something inappropriate on the TV.  You didn't chose what to put on the TV screen at that second.  If you are religious there is always a form of repentance.  Repentance is when you know you have sinned and you don't want to feel the guilt any more and or you want to have the feeling that you are forgiven by god.  When or if you Finnish the repentance proses and are free of the sin you had previously made then why would you be a bad person.  Look at the full spectrum of what an individual is like, not just the mistakes they may have made in the passed.

  Sin can't make you a bad person.   Everyone sins, how could every single person in the world be bad just for sinning, some mistakes could be bigger then other mistakes, and not everyone sins on purpose.  The idea of a perfect world can't and won't happen which makes it not possible for sinners to be all around bad people.  Does sin equal a bad you?  No. 


  1. Cool man real cool. i would say your name but mrs ls would beet me

  2. Good job. Your essay was convincing and I think it really catches the readers attention. Also I thought you had some pretty good examples. The only thing that I saw was wrong was that you didn't have any transition words at the beginning of the paragraphs.

  3. true true very true... where the heck is Garret!

  4. This is a dangerous posting.
    I'm wondering where you got this teaching from? If you read Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Jesus' words, Revelations, they often refer to "the wicked" saying they will perish, they will be separated from the righteous, they have no faith, they seek to destroy, etc. Some people have consciences that have been "seared" meaning they no longer have a sense of right and wrong. Jesus said we will know people by their fruit. A bad tree yields bad fruit. The difference in a person who repents is that he does not "practice" evil as refered to in 1st John. One who practices evil, meaning they have a lifestyle of evil, is bad. Here is a link that lists every verse with the word "wicked" in it. It is clear that God recognizes that some people are evil.
