Sunday, January 2, 2011

My Name

               My name is who I am.  My name is something someone says when they want my attention.  When my name is said one thousand memories pop it to the listeners brains that make them know its me they are talking about.  My name is my life.  When my name is said in a group I always wonder what people think when they hear my name.  I hope it is good thoughts and not memories of times I have messed up.  A name is powerful.

My name stands for who I am and what I am like.  When my name is said I believe different words are brought to mind, such as spider man, silly, dumb, creative, film, etc.  A name doesn't just stand for words though,  it stands for what we believe.  People are instantly reminded of my personality and what I believe the second they hear my name.  They also know that the reason they are my friends is because they believe similar to what I do.  A name is a symbol of everything about you.
How I am known at home is much different than how I am known at school.  This is because the people you are with determines the way you act.  The people you are with believe different things and stand for a different range of values.  Because you want to be respected and honor their name also you ,with out thinking, act a separate way.  All of this is subconsciously because you have a need to honor your name.  My name is powerful.            
    My name is who I am.


  1. I like how you pointed out that "A name is a symbol of everything about you" that was something I really didn't think about at first. Very nice job!

  2. Good job. It sounds like your name is important to you.
